Brunswick C System v4.5 INT
CFT v4.5がI
ブロックコア搭載で、更に発展形へ進化したCシステム v4.5 INT!
Cシステム v4.5 INTは、v4.5のケミカルフリクションテクノロジー(CFT)カバーストックを艶のあるハイグロス加工で仕上げました。
そして、このv4.5 INTはI
このCFTシリーズは2.5のスタートからこのv4.5 INTまで、摩擦係数の高低・I
このv4.5 INTは、2010年CFTシリーズ中、
CFT v4.5 Coverstock
CFT v4.5 is the next progression in Chemical Friction Technology.
The CFT v4.5 coverstock has a lower friction factor than CFT 3.5 which improves length through the heads and mid
lane without sacrifi cing the quick response and improved traction on the backend.
The proven two
component asymmetrical I
Block core enhances the CFT V 4.5 coverstock to create maximum forgiveness, strong entry angles and versatile drilling layouts.
Ball Motion
With its High Gloss fi nish, the C (System) 4.5 INT will off er a lower friction factor than the C (System) v4.5, with response time to friction similar to the C (System) 3.5.
The new C (System) 4.5 INT is best used on medium to medium
oily lane conditions when you need to use a breakpoint further down the lane with a quick response motion to increase pin carry.
Reaction Setup
The C (System) 4.5 INT can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for asymmetric bowling balls.
Lightweight Engineering
The unique core shape of each Brunswick ball is used for weights from 14 to 16 pounds.
This approach to lightweight ball engineering provides bowlers with consistent ball reaction characteristics across this weight range. The same drilling instructions can be used for 12
and 13
pound balls.
This is because Brunswick uses a generic core shape with an RG diff erential that is close enough to the 14
16 pound shape.
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